
how to properly cook miracle noodles| Ketoslim Mo

Drain the noodles and place on a hot pan without any grease or liquids. Fry over a medium-high heat for about 10 minutes. There will be a lot of steam and that's what you want to achieve. Remove as much water as possible without drying them out. If they become too dry, they will significantly reduce in size. Using tongs, you'll need to turn the noodles to avoid that. This step is important for their texture.

The steps to the perfect shirataki noodles, rice or penne, follow the simple steps below:

Rinse the shirataki noodles well.

Fill a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and cook the noodles for about 3 minutes. Adding a dash of vinegar helps!

Drain the noodles, place in a hot dry pan and cook on high for about 10 minutes.

Use in stir-fries, cook in sauces or gravies, bake with cheese, an don't forget about flavour by using herbs and spices. Cooking shirataki directly in sauces makes the flavours penetrate so you have flavorful keto pasta dish.


The best way is to use them in stir-fries rather than regular pasta meals, or combine them with other otptions such as zucchini noodles or palmini noodles. As shirataki noodles have no nutrients, use small amounts and mix them with other ingredients like vegetables, meat, sauce and/or cheese. Adding spices, herbs, garlic, ginger and other ingredients will infuse them with fantastic flavour and make them taste truly delicious!


What foods contain konjac root?


Where buy miracle noodles?

There are plenty of different foods and ingredients that are cropping up in the market that promise great health and weight loss benefits.Some claim to have been around for years but have.Choosing a regular food factory is responsible for your health and that of your family.

 Ketoslim Mo is a noodles factory, we manufacturer konjac noodles, konjac rice, konjac vegetarian food and konjac snacks etc,...


Noodles are easy and quick to cook with recipes or videos

Post time: Mar-11-2022