Nature Share Konjac Rice Cake With Sauce Kit | Ketoslim Mo
Konjac Rice cake is made with 100% Konjac brown rice. The differentiated technique make chewy without adding preservatives or chemical additives, the chewy feeling goes for a long time, just like you sense at the first time. Chewy and roasty brown rice, sweet potato sediments are rich in the product.
Konjac rice cake 270g
Sugar down! Fiber!
No more stone-hard rice cakes
Convenient individual packaging
How to eat:
- Defrosting time: Unpack and place in warm boiling water for 30 minutes
- Air fryer 185°C for 10min, then serve;
- Microwave 700W for 10 seconds;
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Shirataki konjac noodles is a special food that’s very filling low in calories is an ideal food for weight loss and maintaining a healthy diet.
Hotselling Instant Noodles A bag of 270 g Konjac Noodle Green Health Konjac Spinach Noodles
Customize health diet food Spaghetti Konjac Pasta low fat Konjac carrot noodles
Straight pasta Shirataki noodles are Ketoslim Mo Dried series HALAL food, we hit shelf with this brand new vegan food,for outdoor events,they are absolutely a perfect meal replacement.
Konjac oat noodles, zero calories, are made from the root of konjac plant, full of konjac fiber and oat fiber.
Konjac Instant Tomato noodles is one of our best selling products, unlike other products, this series are instant noodles! Open bag ready to eat, easy to carry!
The main ingredients of Konjac soybean noodles are konjac powder and soybean powder, which are wider in shape than spaghetti/kelp noodles.
Konjac soybeans noodles is a kind of konjac root noodles. are rich in noodles fiber. The noodles are made with soybean flour, noodles for diabetics is great for people who are on a diet or have diabetes.
Value-added Services

After-sale Warranty
On the day the product is placedwhen the packaging materials and
accessories are ready in our warehouse. the product willbe delivered within 24 hours at the fastest and within 10 days at the latest. lf the order is delayed by one day.0.1% of the product amount will be paid,and the maximum compensation will be 3%
From the date of quotation,we promise not to increase the price within one year. lf the price of raw materials is reduced by 10%,our company promisesto reduce the price of the product.
1. lf there is leakage or damage during transportation. the value of the product or eauivalent product will be daid for the damaged product on a one-for-one basis.
2. Duringthe warranty periodifthe product has foreign matter,deterioration. rot, gelatinization and other quality conditions,the value of the product or equivalent product will be compensated for the deteriorated product in the form of one compensation for three.
1. Products sold by us can be returned as long as the product shelf life is still not less than 6 months, and the buyer can bear the cost ofinternationalshipping and import charge.
Why use acidic preservation solution for konjac noodle preservation
If you have diabetes, you can still enjoy pasta. Just be sure to keep an eye on your portions. Go for whole wheat pasta, which will increase your fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and reduce any blood sugar spikes when compared to white pasta.
Konjac is a root vegetable that grows in parts of Asia. It's known for its starchy corm, a tuber-like part of the stem that grows underground.
Organic pasta is pasta produced from organically grown durum wheat semolina. The term "organic" describes those products produced without the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers or other hormones.
As long as they're not made from squash or sweet potatoes, which are starchy, spirals made from vegetables will be the lowest-carbohydrate option. Plus, veggie noodles are typically lower in calories, while offering plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Shirataki noodles are fiber-rich noodles that may have some health benefits, such as helping people maintain a moderate weight and improving digestive health. They are low in calories and carbohydrates, and free from common allergens. People can use shirataki noodles in a wide range of dishes.
Kelp Noodles are a sea vegetable in the form of an easy to eat noodle. Made of only kelp (a sea vegetable), sodium alginate (sodium salt extracted from a brown seaweed), and water, Kelp Noodles are fat-free, gluten-free and very low in carbohydrates and calories.
You may store your Miracle Noodles/Rice in the pantry as they are shelf stable. Refrigerating them is also an option. DO NOT freeze them as this will make the noodles/rice inedible. Once the bag is opened and you decide to only eat half a bag, place the unprepared portion in water in a sealed container and refrigerate.
Made with water, konjac powder and spinach powder, this spinach noodle is very low in net carbohydrates, perfect for those on a light diet to cut fat without sacrificing the taste and texture of our traditional konjac noodles.
Rinse the shirataki noodles well. Fill a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and cook the noodles for about 3 minutes. Adding a dash of vinegar helps! Drain the noodles, place in a hot dry pan and cook on high for about 10 minutes.
Konjac products may have health benefits. they may lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, improve skin and gut health, and promote weight loss. As with any unregulated dietary supplement, Diabetics should talk to their doctor before taking them.
Shirataki noodles are made from a substance called glucomannan that comes from the konjac root.Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that absorbs a lot of water. Noodles made from glucomannan flour are actually about 3% fiber and 97% water, so it's easy to see why they are low in calories. Konjac is native to eastern Asia.
What do shirataki konjac noodles taste like? The flavor of konjac noodles doesn't taste much like anything. Much like regular pasta, they are very neutral, and will take on the flavor of whatever sauce you use. However, if you don't prepare them properly, konjac noodles can have a rubbery or slightly crisp texture.
While these noodles are perfectly safe to consume if eaten occasionally, I feel they should be considered as a fibre supplement.The body needs a lot of energy every day, so it needs to pay attention to balanced nutrition and proper exercise, which is more conducive to physical and mental health.
Shirataki noodles can seem a bit daunting to prepare at first. They're packaged in fishy-smelling liquid, which is actually plain water that has absorbed the odor of the konjac root. This liquid is lime water, will not cause any harm to the human body, before eating, can be washed with water, boiled water, white vinegar several times.This should remove most of the odor.
Both are made from the konjac powder, the only difference between them being the shape: konjac comes in a rectangular block and shirataki are shaped like noodles. Because of their lack of taste and smell and their jelly-like consistency, konjac and shirataki have never been popular anywhere but Japan.
The noodles are made of 97% water and 3% glucomannan fiber. Because glucomannan is a type of soluble fiber, it can absorb water to form a gel, This liquid helps keep food from spoiling and is harmless to the body.
Konjac noodles produced by Konjac Brands ( has a shelf life of one year at room temperature There is no need to refrigerate the noodles.
1. What is rice cake?
konjac rice cake can be any kind of food made from rice that has been shaped, concentrated, or otherwise combined into a single object. A variety of rice cakes exist in many different rice-eating cultures and are especially popular in Asia.
2、What does rice cake taste like?
Most rice cakes taste like mashed rice (even those made with brown rice have the same taste), but the specific shape can greatly affect the texture. Thin slices of rice cakes are significantly less chewy than large cylindrical ones.
3、Why are rice cakes so chewy?
Konajc rice cake is made by mixing rice flour and tapioca starch. Tapioca starch makes the rice cakes chewy.Thin slices of rice cakes are significantly less chewy than large cylindrical ones.